Feb 11, 2016
Episode 12: Receive the Holy Spirit
The place of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer today is often surrounded by considerable misunderstanding and conflict. I think the enemy can be blamed for much of that, because he knows that when believers are filled with the Holy Spirit and moving under His control he is powerless to stop them. We must not let confusion hinder us from partaking of the full provision of God. Jesus told the disciples just before He departed this earth that “John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” (Acts 1:5, NKJV). What is this baptism? What does this promise mean to us today? Let me encourage us to take a look at the scriptures with an open mind and believe that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth.
• God’s plan is to indwell man and be their life
o The Holy Spirit is the person of the Godhead that brings God
within us
o This first happened on the day of Pentecost (Acts chapter
• This “Pentecost” is to be experienced by each believer
o There are other accounts recorded in Acts of believers
receiving the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17, Acts 9:17, Acts
10:44-48), Acts 19:6)
o The terms baptized, received, filled, came upon, repentance
unto life, and fell upon are all used to describe the same
o The baptism or receiving the Holy Spirit is always described
as an event that you know has happened with outward evidence.
• There is no scriptural basis to say that a believer
automatically receives the Holy Spirit upon believing or water
o John 20:22 is a command but no record of fulfilment until
o Acts 2:38 is a promise but does not say how
o Water baptism is a picture of Spirit baptism but in
scripture they are always distinct
• When the Holy Spirit comes to indwell:
o Our spirit is united with His Spirit (I Cor. 6:17)
o The Holy Spirit brings us into union with the Father and the
Son (John 14)
o The Holy Spirit comes to administer the authority of Christ
in each believer (I Cor. 12:3)
Receive the Holy Spirit! Do not be denied of the “gift of promise.” (See Luke 11:13)
• Additional resources at http://www.ntchurchsource.com/
• Theme song “Will Your Anchor Hold” sung by J. Ashley
• Comments and questions welcome. Email David@AnchorOfTruth.com