Jun 28, 2018
We all want to be used by God for His purpose and glory according to His grace. For this to happen, we must be prepared. Our lives must be a living letter, written by the Spirit of God. What are the essential elements of this preparation? How does this take place? To be effective in our service in God’s Kingdom, the character of God must be manifested through our words and deeds. The resources for this to take place come from God Himself living in us by His Spirit. His life must take expression in our whole being so that our whole person is an expression of the character and nature of God. This does not happen overnight, but it does take place if we are diligent in our relationship with God and mature as sons of God as He has designed.
Today we share some ministry by Gordon Gentry on this subject. It was given in a home Bible study about 1995. His main text is 2 Peter 1:2-9. It is our prayer that God may use this teaching and exhortation in our lives to spur us on into the full purpose that God has for each one of us.