Apr 21, 2016
Episode 22: The Ministry of the Shepherd
God’s leadership in His church is the ministry of the shepherd. It
is a leading and serving ministry, not a driving or dictatorial
function. We are all sheep and sheep need a shepherd. Christ is the
Chief Shepherd, and He has enlisted men of His choosing to perform
that function in each gathering. Their ministry is very critical as
it sets the tone of the entire gathering. A gathering of believers
will not rise above the leadership of that gathering. Individuals
may to some extent go on beyond, but the gathering as a whole is
formed by the leadership. It is an awesome responsibility.
• The ministry of shepherds (pastors) is to lead into green
o Give leadership as needed
o Lead into peace (beside still waters)
o Ensure nourishing food (effective, meaningful ministry)
• Shepherds oversee the public spoken ministry (prophets and
o Able to teach but may or may not have a teaching
o Encourage ministry in needed areas
o Give helpful feedback to the ministers
• Shepherds protect the flock from dangers
o Unseen until danger arises, then takes action
o From without (false teachers, doctrines, influences)
o From within (conflicts, unspiritual movement)
• Shepherds care for each member in a personal way
o Observe growth
o Identify needs
o Help resolve problems (bind up the wounds)
o On call, available for fellowship
• Shepherds do not do all the work but enable each member to
function under Christ
• Shepherds present the flock to the owner (God) (I Peter
Short pamphlet on the subject of Eldership or Shepherds
• Additional resources at http://www.ntchurchsource.com/
• Theme song “Will Your Anchor Hold” sung by J. Ashley
• Comments and questions welcome. Email David@AnchorOfTruth.com