Apr 28, 2016
Episode 23: The Ministry of the Evangelist
The evangelist is one of God’s gifts of grace to the church. It is
the beginning ministry responsible for proclaiming the good news of
God’s redemptive grace for mankind. The evangelist is the one
bearing the message to the lost world. Today we take a look at this
all important ministry. The ministries of the prophet, teacher, and
pastor are primarily to the church, those who have come out of the
world to Christ. But the ministry of the evangelist is primarily to
the lost, thus that ministry has a distinctive flavor and focus.
While most of us may not be evangelists as a primary calling in
life, I believe the scriptures teach us that all of us are called
to that ministry to some extent. To examine the ministry of
the evangelist can help all of us see where we fit in and function
in our grace and calling.
• The man
o God sends men who are prepared
o The man becomes the message (like fire in the bones that
cannot be silenced)
o The calling is from God and he answers to God for that
• The message
o The message must originate in God, not in man
o The message is a proclamation of Jesus Christ (the grace
that has come to us)
o The message should lead to the full gospel, not just the
• The means
o God will open doors specific to our circumstances
o The means (method) may vary, but the power is in the Holy
o The evangelist should labor with the other ministries in
God’s order
o The evangelist is often an extra local ministry
• The fruit
o It is critical that the fruit be gathered into God’s vessel
for growth
o God’s purpose is not just babies, but full grown sons and
• All are called to do the work of the evangelist to some
o As a testimony (example)
o To give an answer for the hope that we have
o To extend the goodness of God to those in our lives
o To pray that God will raise up men to take the message to
other places
o To support the ministry of the evangelist
Pamphlet discussing the relationship of the church and
• Additional resources at http://www.ntchurchsource.com/
• Theme song “Will Your Anchor Hold” sung by J. Ashley
• Comments and questions welcome. Email David@AnchorOfTruth.com