Dec 10, 2015
To see who Christ is by revelation is critical to the foundation of what God is doing today. Jesus told Peter that “upon this foundation He would build His church.” Many believers only know about a historical Christ, but do not have a personal knowledge of Him as God. While an intellectual knowledge of Christ may be a good beginning, without a personal revealing of the person of Christ there will be no power to walk in this world as God has designed.
• Jesus Christ must be revealed to us by the Father. He is
building on this foundation (Matt: 16:13-19)
o The Father revealed to Peter who Christ was
o Christ builds on the revelation of who He is
o Authority comes from that revelation (union)
• Christ dwells in the midst of a people who are gathered in
His Name (Matt: 18:18-20)
o Gathered in His nature
o Gathered under His authority
• Paul’s basis was the revelation of who Christ is. (Gal
o The basis for his turning was a revelation of Christ
o The basis for his ministry (authority) was “Christ in
o Each one of us must have that same miracle from God
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Theme song Will your Anchor Hold sung by J. Ashley Milne