Dec 21, 2017
In the Old Testament, when the sacrifice on the altar was prepared, God sent fire from heaven as a sign of His acceptance and approval. On the day of Pentecost the people saw tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each of the disciples in the upper room. We are also told that our God is a consuming fire. What does all of that mean to us today? Fire is used throughout the scripture as a sign of the presence of God. The tabernacle had a pillar of fire that burned above it. The priests were commanded to keep the fire inside the tabernacle burning day and night. Jesus said that He came to send fire on the earth. God appeared to Moses in a burning bush. The judgment of God is very often referred to in the context of fire. Ministers are described as a flame of fire. Jesus is described in Revelation as One who has eyes of fire. John said that Jesus would baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire.
In November 1984, G.W. North, a minister from England, visited a gathering in West Palm Beach, Florida for a few days. One evening his subject was “Burning for God.” Those who were present in that meeting will never forget the ministry and the impact on their lives. Today we share a recording of that ministry with the prayer that you also may benefit and be strongly encouraged to “burn for God.”