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There have always been many voices saying “This is the way to know God.” Today’s media explosion has created more voices and more confusion. Why then another? Our purpose is to share truth to help strengthen your relationship with God and with other believers in your locality.

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The goal of God is to build a family of His children together in love, walking in truth. Personal submission and obedience to Christ will bring conformity of each member to Christ, and a growing expression of the nature of God in a local gathering. The testimony going out to the world around will be as a “light set on a hill that cannot be hidden” and “the pillar and ground of the truth.”

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Mar 15, 2018

Episode 111 How should Christians use the Law of Moses today?

How should Christians use the Law of Moses? This seems to be a major issue in our time. The law was given to Israel through Moses and takes a large place in the Old Testament. But most of us are not of Israel, so how should we use the Law? In our last program we introduced this subject but today we want to go farther. Most of us are very familiar with the teaching that the law came through Moses, but grace through Jesus Christ. But what does that mean to us in practical terms? Do we just completely discount the Law of Moses? What meaning does it have to us? How should we use the law in our personal lives, with our family, and in the church? How should we use it with those who are not in Christ? Many today are trying to go back and keep certain parts of the Law of Moses. Is this right?

  • Why was the Law of Moses given?
    • To specify the moral requirements of a Holy God
    • To reveal sin (Rom. 7:7-13)
    • To minister Christ (Ceremonial-sacrifices, Tabernacle)
    • To structure the nation of Israel until Christ came (Gal. 3:19-25)
  • When Christ came He fulfilled the Law (Matt. 5:17-20)
    • He kept all of the commands of God perfectly
    • He fulfilled all of the prophecies concerning the Messiah
    • He gave Himself as the perfect sacrifice for sin once for all
    • He made the way that the righteous requirement of God could be fulfilled in us (Rom. 8:1-4)
  • How then is the law to be used today?
    • To convict the sinner (I Tim. 1:8-10)
    • As a basis for teaching the moral requirements of God (Matt. 5-7)
    • As a basis for civil law
  • How is the law not to be used?
    • As a basis for our acceptance before God ((Rom. 3:19-20)
    • As a legal (literal) requirement for conduct (Col. 2:11-23)
  • In the New Covenant
    • God writes His law on our hearts by the presence of the Holy Spirit (Heb. 8:7-13)
    • God writes His word on our minds by the Holy Spirit
    • The Holy Spirit will interpret and apply spiritual truth from the Law of Moses
    • Spiritual men and women will use the Law of Moses to minister Christ
  • Should Christians today keep the holy days (Sabbath, Feasts) (Rom. 14)
    • Not to be approved before God or to be more spiritual (Gal. 5:1-6)
    • Could be used as a form of teaching (ministry of Christ)
    • The spirit in which we use these things is critical (must not be legal or condemning)
  • The supreme test: Does our use of the Law of Moses minister grace? (John 1:17)
  • Does our ministry always lead a person to union with Christ as our complete sufficiency? (Col. 2:10)
  • Is our ministry using the Law of Moses a ministry of life or death (2 Cor. 3)