Feb 25, 2016
Episode 14: The House Church
In past programs we have considered the church as an expression of
the Family of God and the Body of Christ. Today there are many who
are seeking to work out God’s purpose in the confines of the home
rather than a formal “church building.” Do we have a scriptural
basis for this? Does the atmosphere of the home provide an
advantage in working out God’s purpose? What is a “House Church”?
Is that better than a “normal church”? What do we expect in a House
Church? What is God looking for? Today we explore this subject in
light of God’s eternal purpose.
• What is a “House Church”?
o No basis for a “House Church” but rather a church that meets
in a house
o A meeting place does not make a church a church
o The church of Jesus Christ is spiritual
• What makes a church a church?
o Not because a meeting is held on Sunday, has a pastor,
program, and so on
o Christ is Head (authority)
o Christ is foundation (what He did at Calvary)
o Christ is the life (by the Holy Spirit)
• The benefits of meeting in a house
o A family atmosphere
o A smaller group where relationships can be closer and every
member function
o Minimum financial obligations for meeting purposes
• Challenges of meeting in a home
o Relationships are challenged
o More personal responsibility
o Can easily tend to become just a social time
o Physical problems with parking, neighbors, laws of the land,
• Meeting with God
o Focused time in the presence of God
o The Holy Spirit in charge
o Men available to be used as God directs
o All things unto edification (building up our relationship
with God)
The focus of a church gathering should be relationship: Right
relationship with God and with one another. Religion replaces
relationship with ritual and rules.
A good resource for those who are seeking to work out God’s purpose
in a home setting is “The Principles Book.”
• Additional resources at http://www.ntchurchsource.com/
• Theme song “Will Your Anchor Hold” sung by J. Ashley
• Comments and questions welcome. Email David@AnchorOfTruth.com