May 26, 2016
Episode 27: Meeting with God
Many times our gathering together as believers comes short of
“Meeting with God.” What does it mean to meet with God? Why do we
gather together? What should we expect? What does God expect? What
is our part? Church meetings can take many forms. We may meet for
worship, to hear a musical...
May 19, 2016
Episode 26: The Purpose of Ministry
In past episodes we have discussed some the individual ministries
in the church. Today we want to look at the purpose of those
ministries all working together in harmony under the direction of
God. Many times we tend to focus on one particular ministry that we
like or think is most...
May 12, 2016
Episode 25: The plan of God in creation concerning man and woman
One of the critical issues that we face today is the differing
roles of man and woman in the working of God. This has always been
an issue, but today we see the enemy bringing all of the force he
can to bring confusion to God’s order. Today we look...
May 5, 2016
Episode 24: Do we have Apostles Today?
The word Apostle means many things to many people. In general I
think most people think of the twelve apostles. While their
ministry is obviously foundational, I think that there is a wider
meaning that we need to understand. The meaning of the word
“apostle” is “sent...