May 25, 2017
Episode 79 Christ is Head of His Church
Christ is head of His church. Authority is at the very center of
that statement. Moving under the authority of Christ is our place
of safety, grace, and fulfillment. Today we share some ministry by
Gordon Gentry on this subject.
The scripture is Colossians 1:12-18. Some of the...
May 18, 2017
Episode 78 Discerning the Body of Christ
Paul said that if a person partakes of the Lord’s Table but does
not discern the Lord’s body, he eats and drinks judgment to
himself. What does it mean to discern the Lord’s body? What is the
“Lord’s body”? A critical foundation truth pertaining to the
purpose and...
May 11, 2017
Episode 77 Judgment
It seems that there is one statement by Jesus that the whole world
knows about, Christians and non-Christians alike: “Judge not that
you be not judged.” Yet Paul said that the spiritual man judges all
things. How do we reconcile these two statements? The subject of
judgment often brings a host...
May 4, 2017
Episode 76 The significance of the Lord’s Table
The Lord’s Table is central to Christian doctrine and experience.
The Lord Himself initiated this on the night of the last Passover.
“Do this in remembrance of Me” was His command. What does this
mean? How do we fulfill this commandment? Today we want to