Jun 27, 2017
Episode 84 Christ fully formed in you
What is the central message of the Gospel? Some may say “that we
may be forgiven of our sin.” Some may say “that we may be with God
in heaven.” While these are included, I think there is something
more basic and central, and it is that Christ may be formed in us.
Today we...
Jun 22, 2017
Episode 83 The Holy Spirit came to create a new order
Why did God send the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost? How did
the working of God change on that day? Have we really comprehended
the significance to us of the Promise of the Father that brought
God within each believer? Today we continue with the ministry
Jun 15, 2017
Episode 82 Emancipation from Legalism is to see Christ
We often hear the term “legal” used when discussing some aspect of
truth. What is meant by that? What is legalism? The only true
emancipation from all forms of legalism is to see Christ. What does
it mean to see Christ? Today we continue the ministry by...
Jun 8, 2017
Episode 81 Direct Revelation of Jesus Christ
Paul said that the gospel he preached did not come through any man,
but by direct revelation of Jesus Christ. Is the experience of Paul
unique to Him or is he an example of what each one of us should
expect today? Today we continue the series by T. Austin-Sparks
based on...
Jun 1, 2017
Episode 80 Is Christianity a Legal System or a Spiritual Movement from Heaven
Is Christianity a legal system on the earth or is it a spiritual
movement from heaven? Or to put the question in other words, is
what we see in the world that is called “Christianity” what God
desires? If not, why not and how do we deal...