Apr 26, 2018
When we come to God we choose to submit to Christ Jesus as our Lord. He gives the Holy Spirit to dwell within us to enable this to be true. Is our choice taken away from us at that point, or do we still have a choice to do the will of God in all things? Often times we...
Apr 19, 2018
On the day of Pentecost we are told that Christ was exalted to the right hand of God, received the promise of the Spirit, and then poured out the Spirit for all who will come to Jesus and receive. Have we realized the greatness of God’s provision? Are we walking in that...
Apr 19, 2018
On the day of Pentecost we are told that Christ was exalted to the right hand of God, received the promise of the Spirit, and then poured out the Spirit for all who will come to Jesus and receive. Have we realized the greatness of God’s provision? Are we walking in that...
Apr 12, 2018
Episode 113 Body, Soul, and Spirit
The scriptures tell us that we were made in the image of God for God. Paul also prayed that we may be sanctified completely that our spirit, soul, and body may be preserved blameless at his coming. How does this happen? Is this happening to us? The Psalmist says that man is fearfully...