May 31, 2018
What is our greatest enemy? Is it Satan? The World? Those who say they hate Christians? While these may bring us afflictions and trials from time to time, I don’t think they are really our greatest enemy. I think our greatest enemy is ourselves separate from Christ. In order to see this,...
May 24, 2018
There is a battle going on today and eternal issues are at stake. It is a battle for life and within that battle is a battle for truth. On a casual look, the real issues are often not seen for what they are. We dare not be complacent in this battle lest we be deceived and...
May 17, 2018
What are the manifestations of the Spirit of God? We read about divine manifestations of God in the early church. Can we expect similar manifestations today? If so, what does God expect from us for Him to reveal Himself through us for His purpose and glory? In I Corinthians...
May 10, 2018
Prayer is one of the great mysteries in the working of God. It defies human logic, but it is at the center of our warfare against the enemy. When all else fails, prayer connects us to the throne of God and releases His power for His purpose and glory. There are many aspects to prayer....
May 3, 2018
Paul tells us in his letter to the Ephesians that we are to speak the truth one to another in love and that this is a very important key in growing up into Christ. What does this mean in practical terms? How do we do this without compromise and without breaking relationships? Right...