Jun 16, 2016
Episode 30: Christian Unity
What is Christian Unity? How do Christians relate to one another?
We are told that “there is one body, one Spirit, one hope, and one
faith.” A casual look at Christianity around us would seem to deny
all of that. How do we deal with that? We know that there is one
God and we understand that we are one in Him. But what does that
mean in practical terms? How does that work out? It seems that
there are so many divisions in Christianity that to speak about
oneness is hopeless, just denying the reality. Let us take another
look at this with the prayer that God will shed light in which to
walk today in a meaningful way for His glory.
• Unity is spiritual (not in natural things) Eph. 4:1-6
o Not according to my heredity (or race)
o Not in an organization
o Not in mental understanding
o Not in outward conformity to standards or rules
• The foundation of unity is union with Christ
o Christ brings us into His life (Calvary was for that
o Christ brings us into the family of God (brothers and
• Spiritual unity is practical in expression
o In attitude
o In relationships
o In understanding (a renewed mind)
o In conduct (an expression of the character of Christ)
o In our locality (with those we know personally)
• Spiritual unity is maintained as we mature in expression
o As we walk in truth and love we are changed into His
o We do not compromise with sin to maintain unity
o We care about each person God brings into our lives
o Corporate unity is expressed at the Table of the Lord
• What steps can we take to express the oneness of God (John
17: 20-23)
o Are we convinced that God is glorified in unity among His
o Is there a growing comprehension of Jesus Christ and His
o Can we consider our own attitude towards other
o Are we allowing God to change our mind and actions?
o Are we serving others out of love and devotion to
• Additional resources at http://www.ntchurchsource.com/
• Theme song “Will Your Anchor Hold” sung by J. Ashley
• Comments and questions welcome. Email David@AnchorOfTruth.com