Jun 23, 2016
Episode 31: The Testimony of God
I am sure we have considered the importance of testimony. What is
the testimony that God is looking for? What is the value of
testimony in the hands of the Holy Spirit? Are we a testimony to
the glory of God? I think that most of us would say that a person
that tells us “do as I say but not as I do” has very little to
offer anybody. We all want to hear from somebody who is living what
they teach, and especially when that teaching agrees with the
character of God as revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. The life or
testimony that a person lives opens the door for us to receive from
that person. Jesus is our prime example in that. He was the
“Word of God made flesh.” What was true for him is also true for
• Our Personal Testimony
o Each believer is responsible to Jesus Christ as Lord
o God has provided the grace to live His life
o Inward righteous is revealed in outward obedience
• Our Family Testimony
o The natural family is where our testimony is first seen and
o The character of God is seen in right relationships
o Accountability is first learned in the family
o Church leaders are first tested and proven in the family
o A Godly family is a great witness to the reality of God
• Our Corporate Testimony
o The local church (assembly) is the Family of God
o The character of God is revealed in right spiritual
o The church is the place that the testimony of righteousness
is upheld
o Each assembly is responsible for the maintenance of the
o The Lord’s Table is significant place of accountability to
God and one another
• Ministry to other localities
o Others want to know how truth is being lived out where the
minister came from
o Truth should be proved out first in the local assembly
before taking it to others
o The Holy Spirit is able to bring an anointing (authority) on
a good testimony
• Concern for the testimony of God
o Willing to accept responsibility (personal and
o Avail of the grace of God to fulfill this responsibility
• Additional resources at http://www.ntchurchsource.com/
• Theme song “Will Your Anchor Hold” sung by J. Ashley
• Comments and questions welcome. Email David@AnchorOfTruth.com