Aug 4, 2016
Episode 37 New Testament Giving
Finances and the surrounding issues are a major part of our lives.
How does God want us to handle the matter of giving in our day? In
the Old Testament, He gave very specific commandments concerning
tithing. Is this for us today? How should the work of God be
supported? How should ministers be supported? How should we give to
the pressing needs around us? What is the basis of our giving? How
do we know when we have given enough? These and many other
questions surround the area of finances and giving.
• Giving with simplicity
o Love gives and gives and gives again
o Giving is in the life of God
o The Old Testament served as a foundation but not a pattern
for the new
o Tithing is not a NT commandment
o We give out of our relationship with God
o God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:6,7)
• Supporting those who labor in the Gospel
o Responsible to support those who labor (I Thes. 5:12,13, I
Tim. 5:17-18)
o Ministers labor out of love, not for money
• The Assembly
o Self-supporting
o Has never been called to own buildings
o Is not the “store house” of the Old Testament
• Equality (2 Cor. 8:14,15)
o The abundance of one overflows to the lack of another
o Asking for money is not consistent with faith
• Believing God in all things is the underlying issue
o The one who has a need trusts in God
o The one who gives does so “as unto the Lord”
• Additional resources at
• Theme song “Will Your Anchor Hold” sung by J. Ashley
• Comments and questions welcome. Email