Jun 1, 2017
Episode 80 Is Christianity a Legal System or a Spiritual Movement from Heaven
Is Christianity a legal system on the earth or is it a spiritual
movement from heaven? Or to put the question in other words, is
what we see in the world that is called “Christianity” what God
desires? If not, why not and how do we deal with that? The question
that we pose is a very critical question for us. How does God view
what we call “Christianity”? To answer this question, I want to
share with us some ministry given some years ago by T.
Austin-Sparks in a gathering in Manila, Philippines. It was given
in some morning meetings in February 1964. At that point, Sparks
was an older man and near the end of His time of ministry. I think
the insight God gave him can be very helpful to us in answering
this all important question. The transcript from the ministry is
available on the Sparks web site (link below) so the reading is
from that.
Meeting 27—Is Christianity a Legal System on the Earth, or is it a
Spiritual Movement From Heaven?
T. Austin-Sparks, February 25, 1964 A.M.
Some Key points:
• Judaism was a very strong religious system
• Paul was a chosen vessel of God to introduce Christ into this
• Paul faced a very strong battle with Judaism the moment Christ
revealed Himself
• The true nature of Christianity was put to a very severe test in
the early church
• The controversy that began in that day has continued down to us
• It is possible for us to be bound by a legal religious system
called “Christianity”
• The true Gospel brings us into liberty in Christ
• Additional resources at http://www.ntchurchsource.com/
• Theme song “Will Your Anchor Hold” sung by J. Ashley Milne
• Comments and questions welcome. Email David@AnchorOfTruth.com