Jun 27, 2017
Episode 84 Christ fully formed in you
What is the central message of the Gospel? Some may say “that we
may be forgiven of our sin.” Some may say “that we may be with God
in heaven.” While these are included, I think there is something
more basic and central, and it is that Christ may be formed in us.
Today we conclude our series from the ministry of T. Austin-Sparks
on Galatians. Here is his introduction:
We come to this last morning of our consideration of this great
question. That is, the great question as to the true nature of the
dispensation which came in with the Lord Jesus. We have this
morning therefore to gather up all that we have been saying into
one matter. We have covered a lot of ground, but it all amounts to
one issue. It is not a matter of one system over against another.
That is, it is not a question of Judaism over against Christianity.
It is not a question of legalism over against spirituality. It is
not a question of the Old Testament over against the New Testament.
And it is not a question of Paul over against his enemies. All
these things have come into our consideration, but they are not the
special issue. The great battle which began with the coming of the
Lord Jesus, and for which the Apostle Paul was a chosen instrument,
is not the battle for a special interpretation of Scripture. It is
not the battle for a particular form of doctrine. And it is not the
battle for a particular form of worship. It is a much bigger battle
than all those things.
And so we have this whole letter to the Galatians which touches all
these things gathered into one word. The whole letter, and all that
has to do with it is gathered into one verse. It is, so far as
words are concerned, a very short verse. But you see that it is a
very big verse. It is in chapter four, verse nineteen, "My little
children, of whom I am again in travail until Christ be formed in
you." One slight alteration or correction ought to be made in the
translation. The word "formed" ought to be translated "fully
formed." So that the verse should read, "My little children, of
whom I am again in travail until Christ be fully formed in
Meeting 32 - The Matter Which is of Supreme Importance is: "Christ
Fully Formed In You"
T. Austin Sparks, February 29, 1964 A.M.
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• Theme song “Will Your Anchor Hold” sung by J. Ashley Milne
• Comments and questions welcome. Email David@AnchorOfTruth.com