Aug 17, 2017
Episode 91 Led by the Spirit of God
Paul says that the sons of God are those who are led by the Spirit
of God. How does the Spirit lead us? When someone says that God is
leading them to do something should that ever be questioned? If so,
how should that be done? Our topic today is a very sensitive issue
and the answers are not always easy. Yet God has sent His Holy
Spirit to dwell within us and to lead us in all aspects of life.
There are examples in the scriptures and spiritual principles that
can help us. Today we want to look at some of those.
• The foundation
o God is sovereign
o God’s purpose is that we may be one through Christ Jesus our
o God has given the Holy Spirit to make Jesus real in us
• God chooses the perfect way to communicate with man. He may
o Speak in an audible voice from heaven
o Send an angel
o Speak in a dream or vision
o Send a man
o Speak in "a still small voice" (Spirit to spirit)
o Bring truth to us through a scripture verse (or passage)
o Bring an urging to the heart (our spirit)
o Bring a thought to our mind concerning a specific issue before
o A spiritual gift (a strong sensing in the Spirit to meet a
particular need).
o Circumstances (and giving insight into those circumstances)
o Probably other ways and combinations of all of these as God sees
• All communication that we say is from God needs to be tested:
o By the scriptures (Old and New Testament)
o By a plurality of spiritual brothers
o By the peace of God ruling in our inner man (spirit) after
waiting on God
• Some danger areas are as follows:
o Personalities often rule when looking for God's direction:
o An analytical mind puts heavy emphasis on the scriptures,
examining the original, etc.
o An emotional person may put a heavy emphasis on "feeling"
o A person with undisciplined desires may find direction in their
own desires
o A person attracted to the supernatural may be open to deceiving
• A desire to "do something for God" (or be somebody) can overrule
everything and lead into great deception
• A young Christian (or un-spiritual Christian) needs more input
from spiritual brothers to help them be grounded
• Additional resources at
• Theme song “Will Your Anchor Hold” sung by J. Ashley Milne
• Comments and questions welcome. Email