Oct 19, 2017
Jesus rebuked the religious leaders of his days for not discerning properly. Paul encouraged the Philippian church to abound in discernment. How do we discern what is of God and what is not? How do we properly discern without becoming critical? To properly discern a situation that is confronting us and still maintain a proper attitude is challenging. Some have resolved the issue by taking the position of “judge not.” Others have erred to the other side by becoming very critical and judgmental of situations and people that leaves them isolated and useless as a channel of God’s grace and love. We must not go to either side in this matter, but rather allow God to give us His discernment, seeking to move in wisdom and love towards every person and situation we face. (Matt. 6:3, Luke 12:56, Phil. 1:9, Heb. 5:14)