Aug 25, 2016
Episode 40 Hearing God
What does it mean to “hear God”? Can we hear God speaking to us
today, or is that something that was unique in the Old Testament?
Jesus said that “My sheep hear my voice.” Was that only for those
who were listening to Him at that time, or is this something for us
today? There are many...
Aug 18, 2016
Episode 39 Will the church pass through the Great Tribulation?
Will the church pass through the Great Tribulation here on this
earth? This is a question of great controversy among many today.
There are strong differing views among many of God’s children. In
light of the conflict, does it make any difference what we...
Aug 11, 2016
Episode 38 Waiting on God
The world rushes madly on, pressing us to keep up with the demands
of modern life. We want instant food, instant solutions, instant
success, and of course with all of that, instant spirituality. We
know there is no such thing, and we know that “those who wait upon
the Lord shall renew their...
Aug 4, 2016
Episode 37 New Testament Giving
Finances and the surrounding issues are a major part of our lives.
How does God want us to handle the matter of giving in our day? In
the Old Testament, He gave very specific commandments concerning
tithing. Is this for us today? How should the work of God be
supported? How should...