Mar 31, 2016
Episode 19: The New Testament Prophet (Prophetic Ministry)
The ministry of the prophet in the Old Testament was very
prominent. The ministry of the prophet in the New Testament is also
very important in the purpose of God. There is often much confusion
today in reference to the ministry of a “prophet.” The...
Mar 25, 2016
Episode 18: The Pathway to Maturity
I believe it is the desire of all Christians to “grow up”
into mature, stable sons and daughters of God. Not only is this our
desire, it is also God’s desire. He has made full provision for
this. While I believe it is the desire of every Christian to come
to maturity in...
Mar 17, 2016
Episode 17: Walking in Truth
Many today would say that “doctrine divides” so let’s just lay
aside those areas of disagreement and love Jesus. Is that good
direction? On first consideration, that may sound good but is it
possible to love Jesus without walking in truth? What truth is
important and what is not? It...
Mar 10, 2016
Episode 16: Walking above sin by faith
Today a constant prayer that we hear is “Lord I know we are all
sinners. Please forgive us.” It often is a general prayer with no
specific sin mentioned, just an acknowledgement that we are all
“sinners.” Did Christ come to deliver us from sin? Many would say
that He...
Mar 3, 2016
Episode 15: The Meaning of the Cross in our Daily Lives
Every Christian is familiar to some extent with the historical
events surrounding the crucifixion of Christ 2000 years ago. In
addition, I believe that most of us know that the work Christ did
on the cross forms the basis of our salvation today. But my concern