Aug 25, 2016
Episode 40 Hearing God
What does it mean to “hear God”? Can we hear God speaking to us
today, or is that something that was unique in the Old Testament?
Jesus said that “My sheep hear my voice.” Was that only for those
who were listening to Him at that time, or is this something for us
today? There are many scriptures in both the Old and New Testament
that say that men heard God communicate to them in some way. Most
of us today have a copy of the Bible. Has God limited Himself to
communicating to us only as we study the scriptures, or can we
still expect God to speak to us directly in some manner?
• Communication, an essential element of relationship
• The New Covenant brings a new dimension in communication
• The New Covenant, a new relationship
• Union, the prerequisite for communion
• Quietness, a necessity for hearing
• He that has an ear, let him hear
• How does God speak to us?
o By the Spirit, to our spirit
o The anointing
o By knowing
• Hearing God, the basis of faith
• Hardness of heart, dullness of hearing
• Communion with God
• Communication that we say is from God should be tested
o The scriptures
o Other believers
o The peace of God in our heart
o Proved through obedience
• Additional resources at
• Theme song “Will Your Anchor Hold” sung by J. Ashley
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