Nov 9, 2017
In our world today, there is a great religious system called Christianity. It varies in many details, but the one common feature is Christ. However the big question is what is the place of Christ? Is He only a historical figure, or is He given His place as Lord of Lords? Religion is one of the enemy’s greatest tools today, and Christian religion is probably the most dangerous because it is so close to the truth. It is based on the Bible and embraces so many things that are very good. Yet at the core of so much that goes in the name of Christianity, there is serious error and mixture that leads men astray. It leaves them with a form of godliness, but not in union with God. Today we want to try to show the difference, not just to be critical, but to avoid the snare of the enemy and be found in union with Christ both now and for eternity. (Philippians chapter 3)